Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Criminal Defense Lawyers Serving Metro Pittsburgh Area - Shrager Defense Attorneys

Shrager Defense Attorneys are Pittsburgh criminal attorneys. Our law firm has been helping people who face criminal charges for over 50 years. Our legal team is compassionate and understanding -- we work hard for our clients and their families.

Attorney David J. Shrager is reputable and experienced. He is an aggressive attorney who fights for the rights of his clients. Attorney Shrager genuinely cares about his clients and their well-being and will do all that he can to win their case.

Our team has a thorough understanding of the Pennsylvania legal system and the U.S. Federal Court System. We make sure our clients understand what they can expect throughout the process and what penalties they may be facing.

At Shrager Defense Attorneys, we keep in constant communication with clients. Our criminal lawyers are personally available to answer questions any time of day or night. We have handled high-profile cases and work to find solutions for all of our clients - through negotiations, investigations and the legal process, we work to have our clients penalties and fines reduced or charges dropped altogether.

If you have been charged with a crime or need a DUI attorney, call or text an aggressive criminal attorney, David J. Shrager, today for a FREE consultation.

437 Grant Street
617 Frick Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

(412) 969-2540


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Criminal Defense Attorneys and DUI Lawyers in Pittsburgh, PA. We specialize in DUI defense and criminal law, including license suspension, drug crimes, white collar crimes and violent crimes.

If you have been charged with a crime or received a DUI charge, Attorney David J. Shrager will fight aggressively for your rights. Call or text 24/7 to Attorney Shrager for a free legal consultation.

David J Shrager
437 Grant St
Frick Building Suite #617
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

(412) 969-2540